Thursday, November 26, 2020


Sorry, but this guy threw you in right at the deep end. So, all you must do is type in that command? King's Lynn, UK Local time: Driver for Intel Corporation G Integrated Graphics Controller Hi, I am trying to update the internal graphics card driver, I believe there is a default driver that came with the os, but I am not convinced that it's the best driver. Message 57 received at bugs. Originally had XP on it but thought would be interesting to try Linux for me and my son.
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This gives pretty good results. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest.

linux mint driver for intel 82865g old dell desktop

Note that registered members see fewer ads, and ContentLink is completely disabled once you log in. Another similar application is Minitube, which I think should be available for Mint, although personally I never had much luck with it. Did try the Xfce mint on usb drive which is supposed to be the lightest and did find a small improvement in general speed and just about ok with youtube on p in Firefox. Yes, I have found all sorts of problems that others have had, but I am not running a laptop.

Downloads for Graphics Drivers for Intel® 82865G Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)

Thanks for the suggestions, I guess I will start by trying to recreate my xorg. Message 48 received at bugs.

Which isn't necessarily the same thing as what you want to run System boots to a black screen with monitor on, not in power-savethough I can still ssh into the box, as I installed that beforehand.

Posted 20 June - Sun, 01 May Click Here to receive this Complete Guide absolutely free. Yes, I would upgrade all three. I also looked at this post http: Remove pipe A force quirk for GM and G.

Mon, 21 Mar 28865g I tend to agree with pcpunk about 'test-driving'; it's the only way to find out how well they'll run with your specific hardware. Aditya 9, 12 55 Send a report that this bug log contains spam.

Once everything is setup, you can update the repository listing again before finally instructing your system to install the updated xserver-xorg-video-intel video driver from the Debian testing repository: What package destroyed your X11 installation? Registration is quick, simple and absolutely free.

Updating the Intel graphics driver on Debian stable - Ctrl blog

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. The biggest problem, always, with older hardware, is doing your homework, and just simply untel.

All times are GMT I would give Puppy tahrpup 6. Ibtel ; Package linux By joining our community you will have the ability to post topics, receive our newsletter, use the advanced search, subscribe to threads and access many other special features.

Register a free account to unlock additional features at BleepingComputer. I am not an expert in this area but would there have been anything to be said for establishing the existence of, or more likely having to create an xorg.

Bug Marked as found in versions 2. Message 74 received at bugs. It does not sound as if you need to add anything. This problem seems to be completely related to the integrated Intel chip-set, I will post my lspci specs below but please be aware that I am not trying to run Compiz, I am simply surfing the net and playing intfl, occasionally watching a movie but all things that I could do quite well while running Etch.

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